Sunday, December 6, 2009

8 smart ways to invest in yourself

Develop your business plan

It doesnt matter whether youre a free-lancer like me or you work for a real company. You need a plan. "Especially these days, when you cant rely on corporate America," notes Nancy Castleman, co-author with Marc Eisenson and Gerri Detweiler of "Invest In Yourself: Six Secrets of a Rich Life." "This is not for GE or Ma Bell or wherever you work. This is for you, for your family."
So sit down and think like a CEO about what your goals are. Do you want a promotion? Permission to telecommute? To enter a new field or start your own business? "Establish your current state and your desired state," says Dalton. "Once you know where you are, its easier to figure out where you want to be."

Next, quantify your goals. Dalton points out that this is where most of us fail in our attempts to invest in ourselves. "Its not enough to say you want to be fit in 04," she says. "Whats your (ideal) cholesterol level? How much do you want to weigh? If a company is well-run, there are measurable outcomes from each department."

Invest in new equipment

Yesterday, the idea of shelling out the bucks on some high-tech wireless device seemed like an extravagance. But recalculate that decision according to its effect on your productivity.

When Robert Levin was starting up his publication aimed at small- to mid-size businesses, New York Enterprise Report, he spent thousands on a loaded new laptop that would allow him to monitor his business from anywhere. "It was a huge expense for me at the time," he says, "but thats how I was able to launch the Web site."

Amy Brownstein, president of her own eponymous PR firm, was reluctant to harness herself to a PDA. But because she conducts business on both coasts and at all hours ("My business is hardly 9 to 6"), she finally invested in a Blackberry -- and it changed her life. "My productivity increased because I can stay in touch with all my clients at the touch of a button. And if I get an idea, I can shoot it to someone instantly."

Encourage staff development

Where you want to be may require skills you dont yet have. Keeping in mind Daltons "current state" vs. "desired state," what sort of knowledge do you need to move forward? Whether its a new programming language, public speaking skills or even social graces that would enable you to hobnob with the hoi polloi, acquiring these tools is an important investment of your time and energy.

And your efforts may pay off in very tangible ways. Greg Ragland, co-founder of the Executive Vocabulary program, says one study found a strong correlation between vocabulary scores and position on the corporate ladder.

Given your own goals, you may not need to whip out that old SAT study guide. But you do need to figure out which skills will yield the highest return in your own life.

Upgrade the physical plant

When I decided to incur the additional expense of renting an outside office, it didnt make immediate financial sense. I had just moved in with my then-fiance: Why not take the money I was saving on rent and sock it away? By now, six months later, I would have saved close to $4,000. (Minus the cost of the iPod I would have succumbed to, lets be honest.)

But as any savvy investor will tell you, its really about looking at the potential return over the long haul. I decided to view the monthly cash outlay as an investment in my bigger professional and financial picture. Having an independent office space would not only make me more productive (it has), but it would help me to see my humble writing life as more of a cottage industry (which it is).

Jeffrey Golden, a financial planner in New York, points out that in addition to the tax benefits, there are other less tangible (though valuable) returns on an investment like this. Upgrading where you live or work causes other people to upgrade the way they see you. "Very fancy," one editor wrote to me, when I sent around my change of address. My office isnt fancy, but it adds to my cachet that other people think so.

Change your management style

This may seem like a small point, but how do you handle it when you underperform relative to your expectations? Do you beat up on yourself? Cry on your shoulder?

"You need to figure out which management style works for you," says Dalton. If you tend to be the hard-driving type, it might help to be more exacting with yourself. Set firm goals and deadlines; be strategic about meeting them. Perhaps enlist the help of a colleague or friend who can help you stick to a plan. If you're the type that thrives on compassion and understanding, you'll need a softer touch. In that case you might want to have a more gentle sit-down meeting with yourself about your progress. Otherwise you might see your No. 1 employee go into a slump.

Advertise, advertise, advertise

Pamela Pekerman may only be a journalism undergrad with a drive to work in magazines, but she already knows the value of the power accessory. "I just got a Louis Vuitton bag, and I call it my investment," Pekerman says. "You need that one piece that upgrades you -- and then who cares if youre wearing an H&M T-shirt?"

Um, Im wearing a $9.99 H&M blouse, and my Louis Vuitton seems to have gone missing, but whatever.

Pekerman is right. Most of us cant afford to buy a 30-second spot during the Super Bowl to make the world sit up and take notice. But how you look speaks volumes about how you see yourself -- and most important, how youd like others to see you. This is not carte blanche to "invest" in Armani suits and a Cartier watch, but rather to build awareness of how your appearance helps to advance your presence in the market.

Bring in the consultants

Theres a key moment in the expansion of any business where the management team has to decide when its time for outside assistance. Levin, of the New York Enterprise Report, reached that point recently when he decided to move his online publication into print as well. "Technically, these are things I could learn to do myself," he says, "but I dont want to take any chances, so Im calling in the experts."

Whether you need a life coach, a personal trainer, a baby sitter or a tax adviser -- dont skimp because you feel like you cant afford it. If its the most efficient way to achieve your goals, its worth it.

Diversify your assets

Of course, your profit margins should always be measured in terms that are more than financial. Jeffrey Golden gives the example of the many clients hes worked with who approached their retirement years with their finances in good shape -- while their personal interests and hobbies had all but atrophied. "Thats when I say to them, Have you thought about investing in quality-of-life issues?" Golden says.

Most of us forget to think of our hobbies and passions as investments, but theyre an important part of a well-balanced investment strategy. As Castleman and her co-authors say on their Web site,, which offers a number of financial self-improvement tips: "Like any good portfolio, the best investments you can make in yourself are diversified, carefully managed and geared to the long term."

And they are rewarding in ways that may not show up right away in your bank account.



How to develop a MONEY MAKING MINDSET?

Let’s look at how we can overcome the seven most common limiting beliefs and develop the right mindset for marketing:

1. Develop an abundance mindset.
It’s not a coincidence that most of the wealthiest and most successful people alive today have an abundance mindset while the vast majority of poor people have a scarcity mindset.

You have to believe that there is more than enough money in this world. Money is not something scarce that you hide under your mattress. You can have as much money as you want.

2. Know it’s possible to make large amounts of money.
You can never really make a lot of money if you do not believe that it’s really possible to make money doing what you are doing.

Once you understand and believe that it’s possible to make money online you will start looking at how you can make money and how you can leverage your efforts.

3. Believe in yourself.
If you do not believe in yourself why would anyone else believe in you? How are you going to make money online when people do not believe in you? You are not.

Know your strengths and weaknesses. Nobody is perfect. But, when you do something make it count. If you doubt that you are doing the right thing drop it and find something else to do. And, whatever you do give it 100% and do not doubt yourself.

4. Don’t wait for it to be perfect.
Many people simply do not get off the ground because they lack confidence in launching themselves online. They are afraid that they won’t measure up. They are afraid that they will make mistakes. They are afraid that they will be criticized…

Well, you do not learn to walk without falling. You do not learn to run without first being able to walk. If everybody decided that a product should be perfect before it’s released to the market we would not have most of the products that we have become accustomed to over the years.

Don’t sell or promote rubbish online. But, don’t sit and wait for the perfect product to fall into your lap before you get off your backside!

5. Work back to front.
First establish what it is that you want to achieve and then find ways of achieving it. This is often referred to as “building a bridge” between where you want to be and where you are right now. You have to bridge the gap in a manner of speaking.

If you have a clear understanding of where you want to be and you know where you currently are, it should not be difficult to establish what you need to do to bridge the gap. Furthermore, you do not have to do everything yourself… Focus on doing what you’re good at and get others to help you accomplish the things that you are not good at.

6. Set goals.
What do you want to achieve in life? How much money do you want to make online? If you are not able to answer these questions you will not know if you are doing the right things.
If you don’t know where you’re going any road will do… But, that’s not exactly the way to reach a good destination!

7. Do it!
Many people have great ideas and big plans but simply do not get off the ground. Why? They think too much! I am not suggesting you go off in all directions at once or try to do one hundred things at the same time… Just get started!

I know many marketers that suffer from procrastination… They are smart but end up buying the one product after the other. When you speak to them they are always complaining that they are not making money but when you ask them what they have been doing you quickly find out that they haven’t been doing anything!

You will not get different results by doing the same thing over and over. If it works, great! If it does not work then do something else. And, remember not everything will work. Don’t waste time on things that do not make you money but don’t give up too quickly either. If you are honest with yourself you’ll know what to do.

Good luck,


Help me spread the words around!
stop buying imitaion bags ,shoes & etc!

BUY original stuff for a really BIG $$$ but the quality is there . And be proud to be to say 'ITS ORIGINAL!"

ps: CHECK out this link. ull get amazed on how detailed they can imitate & even they sell it on the internet! dont u think its a crime??


BEWARE of fake products!

Fake products are found worldwide and they are usually poor quality sold at a fraction of the original price. Some of these opt to name themselves similarly after popular brand names to trick consumers into buying them. From the Polystation to KLC, most of these names just fell flat of anything creative.

Check out the fake products and their fascinating brand names with 21 more pics after the jump.


Friday, December 4, 2009

How to Shop Wisely

Shopping is fun. It is always fun to buy new things, especially if they are bought with cash truly allotted for the purpose of shopping, rather than with a credit card. Shopping for new stuff is rewarding yourself for working so hard and going through all that stress just to get your job well done.

Popular belief has it that shopping is the province of women. Well, I am more than certain that men find shopping enjoyable too, but if they feel the need to peg this activity as a women-only activity (with the exemption of the fabulous metrosexuals out there), then by all means peg away. We do not mind.

But even when we are spending money that is truly ours for the spending, we should still bear in mind that we still need to shop wisely. Not only is wanton shopping a waste of time and money, but every item we buy that we have no need nor use for will only end up as clutter in our closets. Clutter is something we do not exactly want to have in our living space.

Whether one is going out to shop for necessities or purely for the pleasure of it, a wise shopper never goes out to make her purchases without a plan. So, plan ahead and think of the things that you would like to buy. A new pair of shoes perhaps, or a new black dress to replace your staple little black number in your closet. Make a list of what you want to buy, be it a mental list or a written list, and arm yourself with it. It will prevent you from making any outrageous impulse purchases that you will regret later.

If you are going to shop for clothes, buy only those that fit you right now. Sure it is tempting to grab that dress that you like but is actually two or three sizes too small for you, thinking that in six months or so, you would be able to fit in it. Never give in to that temptation. It is more likely that you will never be able to wear that dress at all.

Speaking of clothes, try not to be a fashion victim. Do not follow fashion trends closely - fashion too is fickle, and what is hot right now may not be hot tomorrow. Instead, develop your own signature style, the style that speaks of your personality, the style that you would continue wearing through the years. Having a few key items in your wardrobe that are high in quality, can be mixed and matched easily, and speaks loudly about your style is much, much better than having a closet full of junk that you will only wear once or twice, then never again.

That being said, there are five essential items that you should have in your closet. Have these five items and you will never go wrong, or say that you do not have anything to wear. These five things are:

1. A good push-up bra. Wearing nice underwear does a lot of great things for your body and boosts your confidence, especially on hot dates.

2. An all-around top. This top should be something you can wear for whatever day or occasion, especially when you feel stuck in a fashion rut.

3. A great pair of jeans. A good pair of jeans can be worn anywhere, whether for going to the mall, a walk in the park, a casual date, a party, or even to work. It should be comfortable and it should fit you nicely.

4. Pumps. Just like with great jeans and the all-around top, a pair of pumps can be worn anywhere, anytime.

5. The little black dress. Have one of these little black dresses, and you will never go wrong. The little black dress is flexible enough to be worn on any occasion, its degree of formality dependent on the accessories and the shoes you wear with it. The little black dress is especially handy if you do not like thinking too much of what to wear for that particular day.

Remember: shop wisely, and a little goes a long way.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bankruptcy Pros & Cons

There is more to bankruptcy than as a way of finally putting an end to harassing debt collectors and nagging creditors. One big side effect of bankruptcy being that your life is likely to be subjected to microscopic inspection
Bankruptcy: The Pros
Removes the uncertainty and stress caused by dealing with numerous creditors.
Once an order is made, a third party takes over the administration, decision making and payment process of the debts.
Debtors typically pay less with a bankruptcy order than with an IVA.
Creditors forced to recognise that they must accept less money than is owed.
Certainty that creditors cannot change their minds and that once in place creditors seldom take little interest in the debt.
Once discharged, most debts are written off and creditors cannot pursue them. Some debts, such as Student Loans Company debts, are not included in bankruptcy. For those debts the bankrupt will continue to owe them even once they have completed their period of bankruptcy and have been discharged.
Bankruptcy: The Cons
The debtor will lose any realisable assets of value. Though they may not be sold until immediately and, perhaps, not even until after the bankrupt has been discharged.
If the debtor owns equity in a home, this will almost certainly be sold.
If a business is owned, this could be sold and any employees dismissed.
Should the debtor live in rented accommodation and have rent arrears, this could put the home at risk if the landlord considers those arrears are unlikely to be paid. In this case he could commence possession action. Also, some tenancy agreements contain a clause stating that an undischarged bankrupt cannot be a tenant.
Bank current accounts can be difficult to obtain, though there are some very basic accounts offered by a limited number of banks and building societies.
Can ultimately be expensive. All fees for the insolvency service, courts and any trustee are taken out of the debtor's assets. There is a 15% levy on all sums received by the Official Receiver/trustee.
If trying to obtain credit of more than £500 (including ordering goods and then not paying for them on delivery) the debtor must disclose his status as an undischarged bankrupt.
The debtor must allow all his financial affairs to be scrutinised, and can face crinimal charges if irregularities are found.
Cannot hold certain public offices, such as MP, councillor or magistrate, or practice certain professions, such as solicitor and accountant. May not hold office as a trustee of a charity or a pension fund. Nor can a bankrupt be a company director or trade under any other name than the one used ay the time of bankruptcy.
Names of those made bankrupt are published in the London Gazette and the local press and can be viewed online at the Insolvency Service website, making them accessible to anyone in the world.
The trustee must be informed of any changes in circumstances during the bankruptcy. Once discharged from bankruptcy, the debtor's assets may still be adminsitered by the trustee/Official Receiver.
Certain debts cannot be written off: fines, maintenance/child support payments, other family court orders, debts to secured creditors, debts from personal injury claims, debts incurred through fraud, debt arising from certain other orders of the criminal court.
Bankruptcy does not affect the rights of secured creditors. Where there are joint debts, creditors can still pursue the non-bankrupt debtor.
Bankrupts found to be blameworthy, culpable or dishonest can be made subject to a Bankruptcy Restrictions Order which can impose the same bankruptcy restrictions, plus some additional ones, for anywhere from 2 to 15 years.

Hopefully its not gawna be us :)


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Top 5 Ways People Waste Money

The most serious wastes of money are the least obvious and the most culturally normalized.

It’s not just shopaholics who waste money. Sure, we all know a person or two who spends money without reserve. You know, the person who makes weekly trips to Target or whose got 40 pairs of shoes or who drives Starbucks stock out of this world with his daily dose of lattes.
Nope. Shopaholicism is probably the most innocuous way to waste money in affluent countries. Why, you ask? First of all, because it’s obvious and you know when you’re doing it. But second, because we literally have the money to spend. That’s why we work, after all, isn’t it? Hardly any of us works for food anymore. People in affluent countries aren’t motivated to work for the necessities, because one could really live off society and get the necessities. Rather, they are motivated to work for consumer goods: for the plasma tv or the new Ford Mustang.
It turns out that the biggest money mistakes in today’s world come in the form of paying for things that you neither need nor get any real benefit from. Without further commentary, here’s our top 5 list of ways people waste money.

1. Buying Insurance That You Really Don’t Need
In general, don’t buy insurance unless it will really protect you financially. For example, we never buy insurance on our socks because we can go down and buy a new pair of socks for cheap if the current ones go bad.
Don’t buy full insurance coverage on a car over 5 years old. The price you pay for the insurance would be better served for saving for a new car when the current one has to be put away.
Insurance is only meant to cover situations with major financial consequences. If you’ve already got plenty of money to take care of the ones you love, you don’t need life insurance. Never buy life insurance as an investment vehicle unless you are keen on dampening the return on your investment.

2. Buying Warranties That Cost As Much as the Product
You may not know this, but the major electronic stores like BestBuy and Circuit City make a lot of money by selling extended warranties that cost up to 50% of the value of the product purchased. It’s great business for them and it plays on the fears that people have of product failure. In general, if you realize that the average life of an electronic product is 3-5 years, then you should just hedge your bets and skip the extended warranty. 9 times out of 10 you won’t need the warranty, and the one time that you would have needed it isn’t worth the price you pay for the other 9 warranties.

3. Paying Fees That You Could Have Avoided
Whenever you make a major 5-7 digit purchase ($10,000+) you can get deceived into paying uneccessary fees. It’s a psychological trick that all the best financial businesses use. $900 seems like a drop in the pond of a $300,000 house. And since the mortgage companies know this, they get you to pay all sorts of extra fees that you could have avoided by shopping around.
Another trick used by car dealers is to wear you down and tire you out and then hit you up for extra fees on your final bill that you don’t know notice until you get home the next day and look the bill over with fresh eyes. If you are ever asked to sign a document or make a decision in such a situation, it is usually best to err on the side of rejection rather than acceptance. Reject fees that look suspicious.

4. Buying After Solicitation
Marketing Methods 101: Make the consumer think he needs something he had never thought he needed before you made your pitch.

Seriously, salesmen can be good. My wife and I almost paid $5,000 for a whole house water filtration system once. The funny thing is that we had never been dissatisfied with our water system in the past. One day, a guy showed up to our house, gave a 2 hour sales pitch that was damn impressive, and we were hooked. We then thought we needed the filtration system. The fact is that we had been solicited for a product that we really didn’t need and we were being asked to pay way too much.
Solcitation often takes place for products and services that have a high-potential return for the business that is selling them. It is not unlikely that you will be solicited for financial productrs like mortgages, refinancing, credit cards and debt management loans. In all cases, be very suspicious. Chances are that the solicitor isn’t offering you a great deal.

A rule of thumb: always initiate your own purchases and never let anyone else start the process for you.

5. Not Maximizing the Power of Your Money
Most people don’t realize it, but there is a very basic strategy for allocating your money in order to maximize its potential. The key principle for maximizing the power of your money is to be diligent about letting it flow into high-interest accounts. Pay off high interest loans and credit cards, but only if you can’t make as much via stock investing. There is no reason to pay off a 2.9% loan if you can make 8.7% in a mutual fund. Similarly, there is no reason to leave your money in a 4.5% savings account if you have credit card debt accruing interest at 10%. Move your money into accounts with the highest interest levels first. If you have a credit card accruing 14% interest, stop everything and move money into the account to pay it off. If your mutual funds are making 10%, then move most of your 4.5% savings into your mutual funds.

This simple principle will keep you from wasting tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars over a lifetime.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How to Spend Money Wisely

Step 1
Most people spend above their limit by using credit cards. Learn and know how to eliminate these debt pits by budgeting wisely and sticking to it. Pay on time. Pay your balance on or before they are due to avoid late fees. It will also prevent the raise of your interest rates. Try pay cash instead of breaking your budget with the swipe of plastic object.

Step 2
Save more by making a percentage of your paycheck to a savings account. Find for the best deal. While your bank may offer a 1%-2% interest rate, online banking institutions can offer as much as 5%.
Step 3
Sometimes your paycheck just doesn’t cut it. In these situations, you may consider relying on lending options, i.e. short-term payday loan.
You borrow only the amount you can pay back. Keep in mind, the interest rate for emergency cash advances are much lower than bounced check fees, high-rate credit cards or NSF fees.
Step 4
There are resources for those who need help with money or credit issues. Research online for tips on how to live smart and save. Consult a credit counselor, visit the finance section from the library or bookstore, or share your situation with family and close friends or family.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Learn the Most Important Reasons to Save Money

You may be asking yourself why is there so much pressure to save money. If you have enough to pay for everything you need, why should you worry about putting any aside each month? There are a variety of reasons to begin saving money. Different people save for different reasons. Here are seven reasons that you may consider saving your money.

1. Save for Emergency Funds
It is important to have an emergency fund set aside to cover unexpected expenses. This could cover an unexpected car repair, your emergency appendectomy or a sudden job loss. Ideally your emergency fund should be about three to six months of your expenses. If you are just starting out you should put aside at least $1000.00 for this..

2. Save for Retirement
Another important reason to save money is your retirement. The sooner you start saving for retirement, the less you will have to save in the future. You can put your money to work for you. As you continue to contribute overtime you will be earning more interest on the money you have, then you put in each month. You should at least be contributing up to your employer's match and eventually you will want to contribute ten to fifteen percent of your gross income..

3. Save for a Down Payment for a House
A third reason to save money is for a down payment on a house. Your negotiating power goes a lot farther when you have a significant down payment towards your home. You will receive better interest rates, and be able to afford a bigger home. You can determine how much you save towards this each month depending on your circumstances..

4. Save for Vacations and Other Luxury Items
A fourth reason to save money is to have fun. You can save up for your tour of Europe or that Caribbean cruise. Additionally you can be saving for fun large ticket items such as a Playstation 3 or a new boat. Your negotiating power is stronger if you have cash in hand on bigger purchases. Plus you do not want to be paying off your trip to Europe in five years..

5. Save for a New Car
A fifth reason is to purchase a car with cash. You will be amazed at how much money you can free up in your budget if you do not always have a car payment. You can also negotiate the price of the car much lower if you are willing to pay cash at the dealership..

6. Save for Sinking Funds
A sixth reason is to build up your sinking funds. A sinking fund is money you set aside for future repairs or improvements on your car, home or other possessions. This planning can help you to stop dipping into your emergency fund every time you need to fix your car..

7. Your Education
A seventh reason to begin saving money is for your future education. Each year more people return to school to earn their masters or doctorate degrees. You may also consider saving for your child's education when the time comes.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Know basic accounting principles.

There are a few basic accounting principles that must be remembered when maintaining, updating and balancing your accounts. A credit in one account always equals a debit in another. Also, remember that you must subtract the liabilities from the asset value to determine the equity . Revenue alone will not give you a clear picture of the worth of your accounting.

To ensure proper accounting in each part of your life, you should follow a simple procedure - keep or make a receipt of each transactionsAnalyze each transactions to determine the type of transaction, accounts involved and the resulting debit or credit to individual accounts. Record these transactions in the general journal so you can access the information in the future. Transfer, or post, the information to the appropriate accounts in the general ledger and then balance the amounts by adding or subtracting from each specific category and summing to make sure that the credits are equal to the debits. You should make any adjustments needed at the end of the period and close the account by taking the balance to zero and preparing a financial statement (balance sheet, income statements).

"If you are new to accounting, the terms and principles can be very overwhelming; however, help is always available. Take some accounting courses to learn the proper methods of accounting - courses are available at most local community colleges. Purchase accounting software. It can guide your accounting procedures and ease the confusion of assigning credits and debits. Most software does this by prompting you to enter the amount and the payee and then automatically recording the entry in the two appropriate accounts. Some software even includes a "primer" that teaches you basic accounting principles.

So, if you're a small or startup business owner and a beginner accountant, remember to record each transaction as it occurs, make sure your entries are accurate and let accounting-based information guide each of your financial decisions - ensuring the financial security of your company...."


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Budgetting a Family Budget

Time is money and how long you think you must work for money?
Some people quoted that he will work until such a time when money works for him.... money makes money!!!

This is very much capitalism and what I am about to share with you is the first stem to make sure one day money works for you.... finally!

Is it difficult to save money? Well many would think so but that’s not true. Saving money is not as difficult as it seems. Here are a few practical tips that you can use to begin saving money, without changing your lifestyle.

You can try to incorporate it into your family budget too.
Here goes.....

1. Change incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent (CFL) bulbs. CFL bulbs consume 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs, but give the same brightness and illumination. Make sure to buy only light bulbs that have the Energy Star rating to ensure quality compliance.

2. Purchase online, whenever possible. Online stores pass their savings from rental costs and warehousing to the online consumer, thus they can afford as much as 70% off their rack price. When buying items online, go to Google first and search with the word, “discount code”. This can give you further reductions on the item you want to purchase. Try also online bidding: they offer at least 75% off the original purchase price, for practically new (slightly used!) items.

3. However avoid shopping to de-stress. Try walking around the beach, park or go watch a movie instead.

4. Make a list when going to the grocery and stick to it! Anything that is not on the list is not a “need”, but merely a “want” so avoid spending money on unnecessary items. When possible buy non-perishable consumables in bulk to benefit from bulk discounts.

5. Use coupons or offer vouchers when available. Take the time and have the patience to clip and organize grocery coupons. When added together, savings from using all coupons in one grocery trip can be as much as RM20-RM30. Purchase dining and shopping coupons online and print them at home. Doing so can save you at least 50% on the face value of the coupons.

Well, that's only the starting few points to think about and try. I will post further in my next posting. Stay tuned and see you again in my next posting.



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