Sunday, December 6, 2009

How to develop a MONEY MAKING MINDSET?

Let’s look at how we can overcome the seven most common limiting beliefs and develop the right mindset for marketing:

1. Develop an abundance mindset.
It’s not a coincidence that most of the wealthiest and most successful people alive today have an abundance mindset while the vast majority of poor people have a scarcity mindset.

You have to believe that there is more than enough money in this world. Money is not something scarce that you hide under your mattress. You can have as much money as you want.

2. Know it’s possible to make large amounts of money.
You can never really make a lot of money if you do not believe that it’s really possible to make money doing what you are doing.

Once you understand and believe that it’s possible to make money online you will start looking at how you can make money and how you can leverage your efforts.

3. Believe in yourself.
If you do not believe in yourself why would anyone else believe in you? How are you going to make money online when people do not believe in you? You are not.

Know your strengths and weaknesses. Nobody is perfect. But, when you do something make it count. If you doubt that you are doing the right thing drop it and find something else to do. And, whatever you do give it 100% and do not doubt yourself.

4. Don’t wait for it to be perfect.
Many people simply do not get off the ground because they lack confidence in launching themselves online. They are afraid that they won’t measure up. They are afraid that they will make mistakes. They are afraid that they will be criticized…

Well, you do not learn to walk without falling. You do not learn to run without first being able to walk. If everybody decided that a product should be perfect before it’s released to the market we would not have most of the products that we have become accustomed to over the years.

Don’t sell or promote rubbish online. But, don’t sit and wait for the perfect product to fall into your lap before you get off your backside!

5. Work back to front.
First establish what it is that you want to achieve and then find ways of achieving it. This is often referred to as “building a bridge” between where you want to be and where you are right now. You have to bridge the gap in a manner of speaking.

If you have a clear understanding of where you want to be and you know where you currently are, it should not be difficult to establish what you need to do to bridge the gap. Furthermore, you do not have to do everything yourself… Focus on doing what you’re good at and get others to help you accomplish the things that you are not good at.

6. Set goals.
What do you want to achieve in life? How much money do you want to make online? If you are not able to answer these questions you will not know if you are doing the right things.
If you don’t know where you’re going any road will do… But, that’s not exactly the way to reach a good destination!

7. Do it!
Many people have great ideas and big plans but simply do not get off the ground. Why? They think too much! I am not suggesting you go off in all directions at once or try to do one hundred things at the same time… Just get started!

I know many marketers that suffer from procrastination… They are smart but end up buying the one product after the other. When you speak to them they are always complaining that they are not making money but when you ask them what they have been doing you quickly find out that they haven’t been doing anything!

You will not get different results by doing the same thing over and over. If it works, great! If it does not work then do something else. And, remember not everything will work. Don’t waste time on things that do not make you money but don’t give up too quickly either. If you are honest with yourself you’ll know what to do.

Good luck,

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