Friday, December 4, 2009

How to Shop Wisely

Shopping is fun. It is always fun to buy new things, especially if they are bought with cash truly allotted for the purpose of shopping, rather than with a credit card. Shopping for new stuff is rewarding yourself for working so hard and going through all that stress just to get your job well done.

Popular belief has it that shopping is the province of women. Well, I am more than certain that men find shopping enjoyable too, but if they feel the need to peg this activity as a women-only activity (with the exemption of the fabulous metrosexuals out there), then by all means peg away. We do not mind.

But even when we are spending money that is truly ours for the spending, we should still bear in mind that we still need to shop wisely. Not only is wanton shopping a waste of time and money, but every item we buy that we have no need nor use for will only end up as clutter in our closets. Clutter is something we do not exactly want to have in our living space.

Whether one is going out to shop for necessities or purely for the pleasure of it, a wise shopper never goes out to make her purchases without a plan. So, plan ahead and think of the things that you would like to buy. A new pair of shoes perhaps, or a new black dress to replace your staple little black number in your closet. Make a list of what you want to buy, be it a mental list or a written list, and arm yourself with it. It will prevent you from making any outrageous impulse purchases that you will regret later.

If you are going to shop for clothes, buy only those that fit you right now. Sure it is tempting to grab that dress that you like but is actually two or three sizes too small for you, thinking that in six months or so, you would be able to fit in it. Never give in to that temptation. It is more likely that you will never be able to wear that dress at all.

Speaking of clothes, try not to be a fashion victim. Do not follow fashion trends closely - fashion too is fickle, and what is hot right now may not be hot tomorrow. Instead, develop your own signature style, the style that speaks of your personality, the style that you would continue wearing through the years. Having a few key items in your wardrobe that are high in quality, can be mixed and matched easily, and speaks loudly about your style is much, much better than having a closet full of junk that you will only wear once or twice, then never again.

That being said, there are five essential items that you should have in your closet. Have these five items and you will never go wrong, or say that you do not have anything to wear. These five things are:

1. A good push-up bra. Wearing nice underwear does a lot of great things for your body and boosts your confidence, especially on hot dates.

2. An all-around top. This top should be something you can wear for whatever day or occasion, especially when you feel stuck in a fashion rut.

3. A great pair of jeans. A good pair of jeans can be worn anywhere, whether for going to the mall, a walk in the park, a casual date, a party, or even to work. It should be comfortable and it should fit you nicely.

4. Pumps. Just like with great jeans and the all-around top, a pair of pumps can be worn anywhere, anytime.

5. The little black dress. Have one of these little black dresses, and you will never go wrong. The little black dress is flexible enough to be worn on any occasion, its degree of formality dependent on the accessories and the shoes you wear with it. The little black dress is especially handy if you do not like thinking too much of what to wear for that particular day.

Remember: shop wisely, and a little goes a long way.


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